
Ana Parra Vivas

Well-balanced Lifestyle Mentor - #1 Amazon Best Seller

Why you Get Angry Easily


Why you get angry easily with Ana Parra Vivas


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Is it common for you to get angry with children, husband, coworkers, or people driving?

Mothers are under much stress; they have a lot of responsibilities, their children, work, careers, and community. I know because I am one. We wear multiple hats, and continuous stress can cause us to get angry quickly.


Anger Shows During Events that Could be Control

I remembered more than 3 years ago. I noticed I screamed a lot, got angry, and was less tolerant.

One day I was bathing my toddler, and she spilled water; I told her to be careful. Then she did it again. Then, I just started screaming at her. She started to cry. I felt horrible after. I asked her to forgive me and hugged her. But I knew I was not like this.

I did not want to scream at my daughter or get angry with my husband. They are the people I love the most.


How to Avoid Getting Angry Easily Daily.

I started the following actions that helped me relax and calm during the day. If something happens, I am always in control.

  1. Being mindful: I am mindful of not thinking about what I need to do later when I am working on something. I focus on the present as much as possible, primarily when playing or doing something for kids. This one can be challenging. Something that helped me focus on the present when I was bathing my babies was to say in my mind, soap, water, or repeat what I was doing instead of thinking about the things I had to do the next day.
  1. Don’t wait for things to explode: If you notice you get angry quickly, review what is going on in your life. It is a sign that maybe you are under much stress at work. You may need help at home. We are not superwomen, and we need help. It is OK to ask for help.
  1. Exercise daily: Exercise can be just walking outside. Walking outside and enjoying nature is a way to relax my mind and calm down; If you have the opportunity to go to a gym, great! Even 20 minutes at the gym will help you.
  1. Breathing exercises: When we get angry quickly, this is a sign that there is too much stress inside our bodies. We have to release that stress. Breathing is fantastic to help us release stress. Focus on your breath for 10 minutes in the morning or noon, to calm down.
  1. Use this affirmation “I live in harmony; I am relaxed and calm.” Affirmations are a great way to influence your mind. You can repeat this affirmation 5 or more times in the morning or before sleep.


Stay in Alignment.

It is easy to forget which actions to take to stay in control because they are not habits in our lives yet.

I send weekly positive short ideas “Manifest Mondays” to remind you what needs to be done to stay aligned which means staying calm and relaxed.


Learn More about Manifest Mondays

Helping women by Ana Parra Vivas

I help women to reconcile their personal and professional lives to achieve success and well-balanced lifestyle.


Need help learning and developing daily disciplines required to keep yourself in alignment with your goals? I can help you!

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